Cosmetics and spa treatments on Norderney

Enjoy your vacation and experience relaxation on Norderney


A lot of our guests find healing or relief in the stimulated Norderneyer climate. Nowadays it is not only being used for medical purposes, but it is confirmed that wellness guests can also draw strength and well-being out of this reservoir and this can be strengthend  through our Spa and cosmetic department.


Treat yourself to the luxury, and let our four head team from the spa and cosmetic department treat you with their comfortable hands. There a lot of things to choose from, a classic massage, a Shiatsu facemassage and much more.

Enjoy your vacation and discover relaxation

we from the wellness departement and cosmetics will gladly be of service to help you discover balance, health and also Antiaging on Norderney.

Our Michele from the registration is there to help you find a suitable date for an appointment. She can also help with informing and advising you about our large offers of cosmetics and Spa treatments.

Also when a day is not looking that bright on Norderney - meaning, going for a stroll along the beach might not be the best of ideas-  you will find different bundels at our hotel. We are always happy to inform you


Grant yourself the luxury to have time for oneself, and go on small and big travels of the wellbeing and relaxation.